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Values & Solutions
Experience care built on strong values, offering innovative solutions tailored to your unique health needs.

Find trusted doctors easily, ensuring personalized, holistic care tailored to your health and wellness needs.

Access convenient locations and dedicated support, ensuring seamless, personalized care for all your needs.
We’re Setting the New Standards in Medical Research & Clinical Care
We search the root cause of illness with a comprehensive full-body physical exam and analyze lab results and reports. Then, We advise an integrative approach with modern allopathic medicine as well as evidence-based natural functional medicine to recover the malfunctioning of the body organs with an integrated approach. We also guide individualized diet and lifestyle modification to regain perfect health.
ClinMedix Special Features
- Patient Experience
- Infection Prevention
- Quality of Care Services
- High-Risk Procedures
- Better Safety Measures
- Standards of Treatment

Premium Medical Services
We are rated the best Integrative and Functional Medicine clinic in the United States of America.

Vitamin Shots
IM vitamin therapy in Houston Texas is a way of delivering nourishing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, and more, right to a person’s bloodstream.

Ozone Therapies
Medical Ozone Therapy is used to detox, kill infection treat disease, boost the immune system and improve the body’s intake and use of oxygen

Treatment Plan
A personalized treatment plan is like a customized roadmap to recovery. Just like a traditional treatment plan, a personalized treatment plan gives guidance and direction

With the proper nutritional counseling and supplementation we strive to assist the body’s healing process through natural means without surgery or drugs.

Natural Supplementation
Natural supplements have been gaining popularity as more people are looking for ways to improve their health and wellbeing.

Modern Acupuncture
Acupuncture is a nearly 2,000-year-old form of traditional Chinese medicine technique in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body. In acupuncture,

Clean, caring & Friendly Environment
Clinic Opening Hours
Our friendly receptionist is ready to assist you during our working hours.
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
09:00 am - 19:00 pm
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Clinic Reviews


Organic Medicine

Good Result

Meet our Doctors
We have the best board-certified naturopathic doctors and licensed by Guardian of Ecclesial Medical Association (GEMA)
"A Truly Transformative Experience!"
"I had been struggling with chronic pain for years and tried various treatments with no lasting relief. When I found American Wellness Center, I was amazed at how different their approach was. Their integrative treatments combine the best of modern medicine with holistic therapies, all tailored to my specific needs. The team is incredibly knowledgeable and caring. After just a few sessions, I started feeling better physically and mentally. The combination of traditional and alternative therapies has truly transformed my health. I’m so grateful to have such a unique and effective center right here in Bangladesh!

"A Unique and Holistic Approach to Wellness"
"As someone who has always valued both traditional and alternative health practices, I was excited to find the American Wellness Center, the only integrative center of its kind in Bangladesh. Their personalized care has exceeded my expectations in every way. The team is attentive, compassionate, and highly skilled, offering a comprehensive approach to well-being that addresses both the body and mind. Whether it’s acupuncture, chiropractic care, or nutritional counseling, every service is top-notch. I’ve experienced significant improvements in my energy levels and overall health. I highly recommend this place to anyone looking for a well-rounded and effective approach to wellness."

"আমি অনেক বছর ধরে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী ব্যথা ও অস্বস্তিতে ভুগছিলাম এবং অনেক ধরনের চিকিৎসা নিয়েও স্থায়ী ফল পাইনি। তবে যখন আমি আমেরিকান ওয়েলনেস সেন্টার সম্পর্কে শুনলাম, তখন তাদের চিকিৎসার পদ্ধতি দেখার পর আমি খুবই অবাক হলাম। এখানে চিকিৎসা করা হয় আধুনিক মেডিসিন এবং holistic (বিশ্বস্ত) থেরাপির সমন্বয়ে, যা আমার শরীরের ও মানসিক অবস্থার উপযুক্ত ছিল। পুরো টিমটি অত্যন্ত অভিজ্ঞ এবং সহানুভূতিশীল, এবং তাদের প্রতিটি সেশন শেষে আমি আমার শরীরে প্রকৃত পরিবর্তন অনুভব করেছি। এক কথায়, এটি ছিল আমার জীবনের সবচেয়ে বড় স্বাস্থ্য পরিবর্তন। ধন্যবাদ আমেরিকান ওয়েলনেস সেন্টারকে!"


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